Motor Vehicles

Maximising Tax Deductions for Motor Vehicles

How you claim a tax deduction for a motor vehicle differs depending on its type. The amount that can be claimed for a motor vehicle is the same that can be claimed by a business or an individual. Different rules apply to work horse vehicles, such as those designed to carry more than 8 passengers, or a load of 1 tonne or more. Where the private use is limited due to having access to another vehicle for private purposes, 100% of vehicles costs can be claimed. For all other motor vehicles including panel lands, taxis, and use of less than one tonne, there are only two methods that can be used.

The Kilometre Method

Under the kilometre method the tax deduction is calculated by multiplying the business kilometres, up to a maximum of 5000 a year, by a cents per kilometre rate.

No documentation needs to be kept to prove the number of kilometres claimed. You must however be able to show how you estimated the distance travelled in a reasonable way.

The rates have changed over the years from differing depending on the engine size of the vehicle, to now there being one rate for all vehicles that can change from year to year.

Kilometre rate for the 2023 in the 2024 years is 85 cents.

Where two or more cars are owned in a year and used for business purposes a tax deduction can be claimed for each of the cars using this method.

The Log Book Method

Under the log book method a record must be kept for 12 weeks of the business kilometres travelled. At the end of that period the business use, as a percentage of the total travel for the car, is what can be claimed of the total running costs of the car.
The costs included for a motor vehicle are:

If you want to know how to maximise your tax deduction for motor vehicle costs Contact Us at TaxBiz Australia.